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We are market entry consultants, helping companies enter the UK and Europe

The Summerhill Group has a track record of successfully helping more than 40 companies enter the UK, European and other global markets. We work with you to develop a market entry strategy that puts your aims and objectives first, whilst also ensuring these align with your customers in the chosen markets.

UK market research,
visit management & opportunity 

In-market support and partnership development (including JVs)

Project management and program delivery. 

Our unique approach:

We work collaboratively, with agility, and as an extension of your team.
Each project is different, but we typically follow a process we've developed across our existing clients.

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We work with clients from around the world

We work with clients globally, across tech, consumer goods, professional services, retail, leisure, hospitality and more.


Our clients come from more than 30 countries, including Canada, the USA, China, Israel, Korea, Australia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, Japan, Turkey, India and Pakistan.



  • Your business is looking for help identifying and evaluating potential new markets and opportunities.

  • Your have already decided on the UK as a new market, and need help customising your product / value proposition to the UK market and to suit UK customer expectations.

  • You are already active in the UK market and are looking for support as you expand, grow, or re-evaluate your approach.


  • You are a UK business, considering opportunities in new markets like the US, Europe or China and need help evaluating and measuring the best opportunities. 

Find the right product /market fit in the UK: 

One of the biggest mistakes companies make when entering a new market is to focus too heavily on the legal, HR, administrative and logistical considerations, while overlooking the most critical element of successfully entering a new market:

Does your value proposition and product positioning make sense to the local customer?

The brands that are most successful in entering new markets are the ones that invest in understanding how the market and consumer behaviour is different. 

The reality is that in a new market comes a completely different set of competitors, a different set of alternatives already available and different customer needs and economics. It is important to plan for these variables and understand these differences prior to launching in a new market.

A successful track record:

We have helped more than 40 businesses set up in new countries, including the UK and Europe.

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Helping a telecoms client enter the UK market. 

We were engaged by a Hong Kong telecommunications company, interested in entering the UK market.


They needed to understand the competitive and political situation, as well as understanding the size of the market, potential clients and challenges. 


What we did:
We conducted an extensive market research project. We enabled their board to decide to move forward with the UK market, and then helped build their 5-year business plan.


How we did it:

We worked with their team in China,
as well as their team in North America, who had previously entered that market to understand their business. We then conducted a significant market research programme in the UK, working with the client throughout. 

App User


Re-aligning a B2B product for the UK / EU market.

We worked with a Canadian tech company who had built a market-leading B2B customer analytics tool, well suited for retailers.


What we did:

We helped their board understand the challenges and opportunities of expanding into the UK and Europe.


We also helped them design a pricing and operating model, identify potential customers and partners and enter the market.


Most importantly, we also helped them re-align their product to suit different customer expectations and competitive realities. 


How we did it:

We leveraged our industry expertise, relationships in the UK market, as well as a suite of research resources to deliver a plan, then acted as a partner when they entered the market.


T-shirts on Hangers


Helping a British beauty brand
go global.

We worked with a growing British beauty company, who needed to drive additional volume in new markets. 


What we did:

We helped them identify and enter new markets including the US, Hong Kong, Japan, France, Italy, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and others. 


How we did it:

We helped them assess their current operating model; set-up a new distribution model and distribution centre in China to support growth, as well as building their logistics operation. 

How can we help you?

If you have a  project or business challenge you're looking for help solving,
please get in touch with us today on 0203 934 6830, or:

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